Thursday, May 12, 2016

Working Out Of the Box

I have been learning many things as I have been on this home-school journey. One of the most important ones is to let go of my old school learning style! It has been a hard lesson to learn, one that had caused arguments, tears, and wanting to quit all together. Today was my "Aha!" Moment.  We are in math and today he did borrowing in subtraction. Now in my world I would have made this a huge issue because he did not make the tens column showing the lesser value BUT as I took the extra seconds to keep my mouth shut and noticed his answer, I saw that he got it right!  In his world he saw the subtraction problem differently which still gave him the correct answer. So rather ending in misunderstandings and frustrations on both sides it ended in high fives which made this momma feel pretty darn good!


  1. Good job! Take it from an old math teacher. If a problem can be solved at all, it can be solved in infinitely many ways. Don't worry if your son's way is different, as long as he understands what he's doing and can arrive at the correct answer.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words!
