Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Still Going!

I know I haven't kept up with my posts, but I am STILL GOING! My husband and I have finally found a homeschooling group close by that seems to be what we or I should say I am looking for. I hope I am not disappointed. UPDATE: have been pushing JD to sit still for a longer period of time to see how he does. Amazingly on average he does well. We are reviewing short vowel sounds and next week will be onto long vowels. I think on those I will definitely take a little longer with since they get more complicated, but in all we are mostly on track of where I think we should be for his age.
I am trying to keep my ears open for signs of tiredness so I don't lose his interest and am pushing him on coloring neatly rather than all over the place:P He might not be thrilled with it but tolerates it and gets the job done which I am happy to see. I can tell already that he is going to be my science guy rather than artist or phonics but that is okay. As long as he tries his best and gives 100% I shall not complain...well maybe just a little but I will work on it. So we shall keep on trucking along and both doing our best, and really that IS what it comes down to....DOING OUR BEST!!!
Till I write again,

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Adventures in Homeschooling: Back on Track!

Adventures in Homeschooling: Back on Track!: "Okay.... had a rough 2 weeks here but and proud to say I am back on track! Yahoo! Now mind you still figuring things out but thanks to an aw..."

Back on Track!

Okay.... had a rough 2 weeks here but am proud to say I am back on track! Yahoo! Now mind you still figuring things out but thanks to an awesome husband who looked up the state laws of homeschooling, I realized I can breath ( inhale........exhale........). Lets see, we found out that state law says child must be in school by age 7 and continue through age 17 (check..actually ahead of the game:) ),next we have that homeschooling is recognize as a private school..hee hee so now I can just say he goes to private school, HA!, and last I must record or write down the books I used for what months and so on. So yes I can breath and also am proud to say John is getting the hang of rhyming words..yay!!! So I apologize to you all for not writing in a while, got a little bit off track but next week it will go a lot more smoothly. ( inhale....exhale...)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weather Painting Craft

I put these two up so you all can see how much more willing he was to paint, which was fun! He wanted to paint for school so I came up with this four square of seasons to see what he remembered from the story but also recognition of what you can do. It was a huge success ! FYI- for winter it is snow balls:) white on white is a little difficult.
I have backed of a little bit on how much we do each day so neither one of us gets stressed for not staying to a "schedule". I am also doing some regrouping of my subjects and how it is best for him. I am hoping this helps him to learn from me flexibility so not everything has to be set in stone:) Sorry I have been slacking with my posts, hopefully will be on track better this week:)