Thursday, January 26, 2012

Long Overdue Update

Okay...don't yell at me! HAHAHA!! This year is going so much better than last year! JD is understanding instructions so much better: he is ahead in math, and right on target with reading and writing. I do like A Beka but am going to an APACHE curriculum convention in April so I can get hands on with other stuff. I don't want to lock in on just one curriculum but try different ones to see what would work best for JD:)
I do owe you all an apology for not blogging sooner, and to be honest I actually forgot and got to involved with school and other things.
 Other things that I have learned is that even with school sometimes its okay to slow down:) I noticed with A Beka, though I like it, it tends to push the child through, and that does not work for us, so I have learned to readjust lesson plans LOL! Next week we will be focusing on review in Math on ordinal numbers, pennies, and dimes; need to make sure he understands those before movingon to other things. He will continue to work through reading and writing so in the end I hope he will be right on target again.
 Also in all of this I realized that I also needed to do something for me which led me to join weight watchers; I am being successful so far with it and actually enjoy being on it. So far 5.6lbs!!! Woo HOO! Anyway, thank you all for being patient. Also here is a picture from the project we did for Thanksgiving:

Have a great weekend!!