Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 1: celery in food coloring

I love this old fashion experiment! It is a classic and yet simulates perfectly the process of the root system and how the absorb water! In 3 days I will post another picture of what our experiment did....
Happy science!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The 3 R's

Well here I am again slacking about doing by blog. So here is my apology...sorry :( The past months have been madness and mayhem so all I have been doing is just sticking to the the "3 R's", so we don't fall behind. JD is improving and growing so quickly and I am enjoying every minute of it....well minus the rough patches :) He seems to have really grasp math and right now science is just happening in the kitchen when I am cooking and I give him brief lessons chemical reactions, evaporation, boiling, solids; actually there is a LOT that goes on in that kitchen. LOL His reading has improved immensely and I love listening to him read when he thinks I am doing something else..mwahahahha! Today we learned the "art" of baking by making rainbow cupcakes for St. Patty's day via by my good friend. We had a blast! Happy St Patty's Day!!