Monday, September 13, 2010

WHEW!!! Day 1 complete

WHEW!!! We made it! YAY!! AND we are still talking...heehee:) Talk about having to make a lot of adjustments, I definitely miscalculated how long it would take, forgot to set the timer for time allotment, and definitely pushed John to the limits for sitting. HA! BUT the good news is we did it and it went well for first day. Things I have learned are: 4 pages in a work book is to long for a boy to sit still and listen (honestly didn't think it would take that long, but it did) oh well, we need to practice cutting more often, and if you use m&m's as a bribe you can really get him focused;) Actually that was part of his math; we just introduced 1-100 and worked on 21- 30 outside on Frisbees. Wrote numbers 21 through 30 on them and threw them into the yard, he had 10 seconds to find the number starting with 21 and so on, then bring it back in that time. If he did he got 21 mm's and went from there. I think he enjoyed it enough to participate well.

All in all, I think Day 1 went well, I AM GLAD IT IS OVER! lol Looking forward to tomorrow. but will do 2 pages in phonics rather than 4 and might just have to do it more than 2 days and make it 4 instead. We'll see how it goes this week and make the necessary adjustments for next week:) FYI- just so I am clear on this, I DID ENJOY IT! I so enjoy seeing that light bulb go on and reach him on his level:)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! Figuring out how long things should/will take is difficult, especially in the beginning. I imagine it's even harder with youngsters. (I taught high school, and that was difficult enough.) Very young children, I think, have a very different sense of time from adults. The m&m's are a good idea. I found that, sometimes, little kids get a kick out of feeding them to adults, too.
    Enjoy, as the adventure continues.
