Friday, September 3, 2010

Excitement for little things

So I have pointed the hard part of this schooling at home in my last blog, but who knew that I would now get so excited over a book for school! I know! Crazy right? But yes it is true. Tonight we went to the book store and while JD was hanging out playing trains I wondered....I do that a lot in the kids section, anyway I have been trying to find a way to incorporate science into his schooling but in away that is easy for him to understand. So as I wondered I looked up and there it was!!! My science book that I have been looking for!!! YAY!!! For any of you who are actually curious to wonder what it is titled......mmmmmm...kept you wondering didn't I:) HAHA! I digressed, I know I am just excited:) It is called...wait for it..... 365 SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS...I know it grabs you right at the title! Found it at Barnes and Nobles for bargain price of $10 rounded off. It is written and tested by teachers and is easily explained.
Just had to spread my joy to help make the world go round:) Lets get out there and LEARN!

1 comment:

  1. It does sound exciting! This really is going to be an adventure for you both. Enjoy it.
