Wednesday, September 15, 2010

what day is it????

Well lets see how this week is far I have manage to keep putting to much work on the table. Glad it is week one, so this is officially trial and error week, but anytime now it can just stop. Thankfully today was just review which was nice for both of us:) Well we know that 4 pages in phonics takes to long to do, and now I know that 2 lines of capitals and 2 lines of lower case A's is just too much! GOOD GRIEF! Yep its official apparently I am an overachiever:) LOL Today I did change it to 1 line of each Aa and that went better, but I am starting to think that maybe I should stick with the first few months with capital letters for practice and THEN introduce lowercase letters. Still toying with that idea. OPEN TO OPTIONS *HINT HINT*
So today was a ultra light day and in celebration of not killing each other went to the alligator playground:) It was definitely needed, but I know from this week what needs to be done for next and hopefully it will go more smoothly. Just got 2 more days and then start a new beginning again)


  1. My field was high school math, so take this with a huge grain of salt, but I think young kids have an easier time of it if they learn to print the capital letters first. I think they can easily learn to recognize both upper and lower case, but their fine-motor skills make lower case more difficult for them to produce. Of course, that's just in general. You know, better than I could, what your son is able to do.

  2. I think you are right. It would make sense, so I think I am definitely going to wait on the lowers and stick to capitals. Last thing I want to do is make him feel like his not doing well, and put stress on us both. Thank you for your encouragement and past words of wisdom. It is greatly appreciated:)
