Okay so this week is going a little more smoothly:) However I have come to face facts that for me personally I need to realize I can't have to many things on my plate or I get over whelmed and stressed out. John deserves more than that from me, and doesn't deserve the left overs! So I have come to this.... home schooling is first and then in the afternoons will now be working as landscaper for my hubby's Aunt. I am not going to worry about getting a workout in right now since I need to at least finish out the front of her house before the frost comes, and in order to accomplish this I need to go over every day and get it done. Then when the cold sets in and we can't get out then I can fit work outs in:) TA DA!!! Having this little reality check might seem small but it is huge for me. Thanks for listening:) I found this site
http://www.kidzone.ws/ it is great for those of who home school and also if you want to review with your child over the summer too....*HUGS*