Life is an adventure, and school should feel the same way. This is focusing on my adventures as being a teacher and a mom. Where this journey of homeschooling will take us and what we will learn, the challenges we will face and so on. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
weather mobile
Our art project dealing with the weather, basically the seasons! Obviously he was more excited being done than doing the coloring part of it. Fact number 1: MY SON HATES COLORING BUT WILL DO IT IF HE HAS TO! Fact number 2: We did enjoy doing it together and that is what matters. Have a great day everyone:)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Reality Check....
Okay so this week is going a little more smoothly:) However I have come to face facts that for me personally I need to realize I can't have to many things on my plate or I get over whelmed and stressed out. John deserves more than that from me, and doesn't deserve the left overs! So I have come to this.... home schooling is first and then in the afternoons will now be working as landscaper for my hubby's Aunt. I am not going to worry about getting a workout in right now since I need to at least finish out the front of her house before the frost comes, and in order to accomplish this I need to go over every day and get it done. Then when the cold sets in and we can't get out then I can fit work outs in:) TA DA!!! Having this little reality check might seem small but it is huge for me. Thanks for listening:) I found this site it is great for those of who home school and also if you want to review with your child over the summer too....*HUGS*
Thursday, September 23, 2010
So Proud!!!
Alright first things first...I am the proudest mom ever!!! He did excellent with the storyboard AND he used his own adorable imagination to tell a story with the pictures too!!! This is the story board that we are using for weather and "classroom decor" :) He was also able to recall the events that took place in the!!!! AND he has been getting better at his writing....FYI took your advice and am keeping to capitals and definitely is less confusing for him.
Now that I am at this new road in my life however, I am starting to realize I really have to start allotting more time for other things such as...CLEANING! My housework has been pushed to the side along with my workouts. All of the sudden I am realizing all the balls I actually have to jungle now. all I can say. I did manage to mop floors which I am actually thankful are small so it doesn't take long and actually doing the self cleaning time on the oven. Okay I am doing a whine, but I am over it!! The Lord asked this of me and He will show me what I need to do for time management:) HOORAH!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
So Much Better!
It is amazing the difference between this week and last!! WOW!!! For one it was definitely wise to change the number of pages to 1 each much easier! He stays focused alot better. I also am proud to say that he can count to 30!! YAY!!! He makes me so proud! I also remember to set the timer which really does help. It might sound small to some people but it works and takes you out of the equation of "How much longer?" or having a weekly calender takes you out of the equation of "where do we go tomorrow?" or "What is next?", especially when it comes to lesson plans. I just bought a medium bulliten board so we can do a story time and he can help decorate it for each season. (I just came up with that idea I am slowly getting my creative juices flowing again, and hopefully they will speed up! I think that is the sucky part of being an is harder to use the imagination. I really wish peter Pan was around:) Anyway we are doing alot better this week and looking forward to tomorrow! BRING IT!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
what day is it????
Well lets see how this week is far I have manage to keep putting to much work on the table. Glad it is week one, so this is officially trial and error week, but anytime now it can just stop. Thankfully today was just review which was nice for both of us:) Well we know that 4 pages in phonics takes to long to do, and now I know that 2 lines of capitals and 2 lines of lower case A's is just too much! GOOD GRIEF! Yep its official apparently I am an overachiever:) LOL Today I did change it to 1 line of each Aa and that went better, but I am starting to think that maybe I should stick with the first few months with capital letters for practice and THEN introduce lowercase letters. Still toying with that idea. OPEN TO OPTIONS *HINT HINT*
So today was a ultra light day and in celebration of not killing each other went to the alligator playground:) It was definitely needed, but I know from this week what needs to be done for next and hopefully it will go more smoothly. Just got 2 more days and then start a new beginning again)
Monday, September 13, 2010
WHEW!!! Day 1 complete
WHEW!!! We made it! YAY!! AND we are still talking...heehee:) Talk about having to make a lot of adjustments, I definitely miscalculated how long it would take, forgot to set the timer for time allotment, and definitely pushed John to the limits for sitting. HA! BUT the good news is we did it and it went well for first day. Things I have learned are: 4 pages in a work book is to long for a boy to sit still and listen (honestly didn't think it would take that long, but it did) oh well, we need to practice cutting more often, and if you use m&m's as a bribe you can really get him focused;) Actually that was part of his math; we just introduced 1-100 and worked on 21- 30 outside on Frisbees. Wrote numbers 21 through 30 on them and threw them into the yard, he had 10 seconds to find the number starting with 21 and so on, then bring it back in that time. If he did he got 21 mm's and went from there. I think he enjoyed it enough to participate well.
All in all, I think Day 1 went well, I AM GLAD IT IS OVER! lol Looking forward to tomorrow. but will do 2 pages in phonics rather than 4 and might just have to do it more than 2 days and make it 4 instead. We'll see how it goes this week and make the necessary adjustments for next week:) FYI- just so I am clear on this, I DID ENJOY IT! I so enjoy seeing that light bulb go on and reach him on his level:)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Big Day Tomorrow
WOW! This week has flown by...and tomorrow I start our first day of kindergarten! I found a neat 1 week calendar at Office Depot over the weekend that is big enough to write each days schedule for JD:) I have been looking for one like this for a while, so this is exciting stuff for me. It even came with weather "colorforms" so we can put those on the days and he can understand weather as well as days of the week rolled into one! I KNOW! I'm a genius!! HAHA! I did actually look through the books today and wrote ideas of what I would like us to do for tomorrow (for those of you who were wondering;) ) Then while I was at it I decided to write my goals to hopefully accomplish by the end of the year. If they all don't happen that is okay because we can just focus on those and move ahead in others. See how that works people?? Pretty neat to work with your child's needs rather than against them, isn't it? Anyway, I really am looking forward to the BIG day tomorrow and am excited to see how he grows through this year:)
PS- how did I do honey? was it interesting;p love you!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Excitement for little things
So I have pointed the hard part of this schooling at home in my last blog, but who knew that I would now get so excited over a book for school! I know! Crazy right? But yes it is true. Tonight we went to the book store and while JD was hanging out playing trains I wondered....I do that a lot in the kids section, anyway I have been trying to find a way to incorporate science into his schooling but in away that is easy for him to understand. So as I wondered I looked up and there it was!!! My science book that I have been looking for!!! YAY!!! For any of you who are actually curious to wonder what it is titled......mmmmmm...kept you wondering didn't I:) HAHA! I digressed, I know I am just excited:) It is called...wait for it..... 365 SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS...I know it grabs you right at the title! Found it at Barnes and Nobles for bargain price of $10 rounded off. It is written and tested by teachers and is easily explained.
Just had to spread my joy to help make the world go round:) Lets get out there and LEARN!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Countdown!
Well it is getting closer and closer to the big day....I think between setting up a plan and deciding when to start have been the 2 most difficult steps for me. So I finally decided that after labor day will be when we start, but then I notice all this activities that have come up started that week so it may delay things. That is the PLUS side of this direction in my life and John's, we can be flexible with homeschooling. So FYI it will be the week after labor day that we technically start, so it in countdown mode that will be 8 weekdays away, I don't include today or the weekends!
HMMMMM this wasn't so bad to blog after all:)
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