Life is an adventure, and school should feel the same way. This is focusing on my adventures as being a teacher and a mom. Where this journey of homeschooling will take us and what we will learn, the challenges we will face and so on. Enjoy!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Science project cont...
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Science Project Success
I love it when you have success with a project! How awesome that it worked!!! Woohoo!!!! Just took 4 days instead of 2...LOL
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Science Project #2
Watch a seed grow...
This week we are learning about plants and how they grow and really focusing on their roots and they absorb nutrients! I have 4 projects for this week, and I am really hoping they go well; one of them is the good old faithful project with sweet potato in a jar with toothpicks. I think this part is the best part of teaching!
I really hope I did this one right!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Little Miss Doubter
That's right! You read the title correctly. Yesterday was a BAD day of doubts, whines, and poor me attitude!!! I was struggling a LOT with my emotions and questioning myself on what I was doing, did I choose the right curriculum, I never wanted to teach and hated school what makes me think I could teach my son? These WERE the thoughts in my head yesterday and they came about because routine was broken and attitudes were poor. BUT I have a wonderful husband and mom who did not give up on me but told me they believed in me.
Today was a whole new attitude: figure will take this week to review what we have learned and refresh the memory before moving forward. You something? My awesome hubby pointed out that just because family is up I don't need to drop routine, especially since JD and I function better with routine :-) I seriously it is 2 hrs out of day, maybe less that is school and once done rest of day is free! Duh Tara!!!!!!
So no more Miss Doubter!!! Or whining! Here is to working on confidence and allowing the Lord to really work through me to teach our son!