Monday, October 2, 2017

My Apologies 7/15/2017

Wow! A whole and I posted absolutely nothing! Sorry about that. It has been a crazy year.  Been trying to find balance with teaching and keeping a toddler busy during that time. Found out it is NOT easy! Lol!

I guess the one thing I am glad about with homeschooling is that it is not by grade but by mastering skills(either way we are behind with some and on target with others) Our biggest hurdle has been language with finding the right curriculum that works for BOTH of us..shwew! I am excited to say I FINALLY  found something! (Only took 3yrs) I also found a penmanship program that I think will work great too! I know this particular part is slowly becoming archaic BUT I think it's important to know and especially READ! History and science have been a breeze and on target with that. Did some FUN experiments that I will try and post in another at a later time.

As of now I have discovered my need to ACTUALLY plan out the year but instead of dates it will be number days..ex Day 1, Day on. You get the picture. So in my "planning" I discovered that you actually get even more of an idea how to teach your curriculum! Who knew?! I am a little late in figuring this out but I am okay with it and just happy to have FIGURED it out now! Yay! With having 2 kiddos so far apart in age, I knew I had to do something to keep my mind sane and also keep flexibility. This will help I do believe. We also have the condo for sale so flexibility is needed even more of a showing pop's up onto the schedule.

So that was my break now back to planning.

First week

So I realized that I never wrote this blog and had to laugh over it. So now we have finished 2 weeks and starting our third. It had been going very well even with the differences in ages.
Weekday has been working is the curriculum! Yay! Also I have been working at "going with the flow". If the school day is spread out with good breaks throughout. Which is needed since my daughter needs to get her energy out..haha!
We start the day with devotions and then a walk. After, we try to get at least 2 subjects and then lunch with a trip to playground for an hour. Then home and finish the last subject. It seems to be working well so far so we will continue with it.